Saturday, August 8, 2009

Tomorrow Never Comes...

The beginning is always hard for me. I live in the moment, and sometimes get stuck there. Not a terrible thing, but annoying at times to be sure. It's important you understand up front I am no writer, clearly. My spellchecker will be tested. My prose, quite frankly; isn't great. I will probably ramble at times, I will probably jump around far to often. This is simply a reflection of the mind I have walked through this life with. Sometimes profound and capable of perfect clarity of thought, other times, pure chaos. Not to different from most of yours I'd assume. But I always remember an important lesson Benny Hill taught me, to Assume is to make an ass out of you and me. So, I'll do my best to assume nothing, and make this all as coherent as possible.
So.....let us begin.
If you have made it this far, do yourself a favor; stop reading. Seriously, stop right now. I'm not kidding, this is important. If you'll simply stop reading, close down your browser, and turn off your computer, you'll be much better off. Trust me. Life is NOT on the internet. Romance is NOT on the internet, regardless of what countless online dating services may tell you. Love is NOT on the internet. I've looked. I saw puppy love for sale once on Ebay, but that doesn't really count. Life, the life you always wanted, the life we all dreamed of, is out there. Yup, out there beyond your monitor, and for some out there beyond that thing with the knob that leads to the *ugh*, outside. It's gonna take some courage. It's gonna take some will. But trust me, it's beautiful out there if you simply look around. Don't believe me? Go see for yourself, I'll wait......
Your back. Did you even really go check? Or did you just run to refill your drink? I must admit, part of me is glad you returned. I'd just be writing this to myself after all. Yet another part was hoping to never see you again. Don't take it personally, I see that look. I do enjoy your company, I just want to see more of you actually get out and live. I can sit here and write this all day, I've lived large, I'm 42 now and the body and mind are quite frankly tired. I have done all the things I have wanted to do. Climbed the mountains. Traveled down the less trodden paths. My days of running around like a madman are over. But, I did have them. And they were huge fun and made all the difference. So....shut it all down, embrace your lover, play with your kids, go out with your friends. Don't have any friends? Go make some. No, not on Facebook or Myspace, but out in the real world. There are billions of us now, I'm pretty sure at least a few live near you.
Now I'm not saying you can't or shouldn't enjoy your time online. Far from it. But excess, it any form is bad. Everything in moderation.
Ok, by now you should all be gone, out living large. Enjoying what time you have.
Still here? Still reading? Stubborn I see. Alright, well I'll keep trying.
STOP READING THIS! I really wont mind. It's for the best, really.
Well, obviously your not going to leave, so I guess I'll just keep on typing. Maybe I can convince you, maybe not. I'll sure try.
I started this because I have always believed tomorrow never comes. I know what your thinking, yes it does; it always comes. Not true. Because when you get to tomorrow, it's today again. Tomorrow is an elusive foe. It tempts us to do less, feel less, be less. How many times have you heard someone say "I'll do it tomorrow"? How many times have you said it yourself? Far to many I'm guessing. We are all guilty of it. Assuming (there's that word again), tomorrow is a guarantee. It's not. It's NOT! Nothing is guaranteed. Never has been. The only guarantee we get in this life is that one day it's going to end. That's it. Everything else is hope, assumption, and wishful thinking.
Have you done all the things you wanted to do in your life? Have you done any of them? Really?
I didn't see very many of you on that mountain.
Be honest with yourself. Truly honest. Brutally honest. Is this all you aspire for now? Has it been enough? When you come to the end, will you have regret? Most will.
Do something about it. Right now. Not tomorrow, but this very moment.
Stop reading! Start living. It's all out there. Everything you have ever wanted, needed, desired.
You simply have to go and get it. Nobody is going to bring it to you. We're all far to busy blogging, twittering, text-messaging, and playing video games to notice you are missing something. Only you know that, and only you can do something about it. For those of you actually living your lives to the fullest, but just happen to have enough time left over to read this, please hang on a few more minutes. I'll get to more stuff later.
For the rest, for the masses, STOP READING!
Passion is beautiful, go embrace it. Love is sacred, worth living or dying for, go find it. I realize Love can be hard. Perhaps you've been hurt. Guess what? We all have. But please, for your sake, never stop trying. Never give up.
Focus on what's truly important, Love, passion, friends, family. Make those things sacred to you. Truly sacred. One of the awful realities of The Human Condition is we tend to take everything for granted. Our loves, our families, our friends, and yes; even ourselves.
And let me ask you this, in the end, as you reflect back on your life, do you think for one second your going to remember how much money you had in the bank? What car you drove? How big your mp3 collection was? What kind of house you lived in? Will you think about keeping up with the Jones's than? Will you wish you had more time to watch another episode of Lost?
You wont. You'll remember the loves you had, the friends, the kids, the passion, the romance. You'll wish you could spend just one more moment with your spouse. You'll wish you could tell your friend just once more how very special they were to you. You'll ache to hear a voice, just once more. You'll hunger to feel a kiss, just once more.
The material items will mean nothing. Nothing at all.
All my life I have heard quotes from films, people, music, etc. Some have struck me as profound, truly changed me. One such line comes from the film Fight Club. "We work all our lives, at jobs we hate, so we can buy shit we don't need." Think about that.
We have as a society lost focus on the truly sacred. We are a nation of consumers now, and not much else. Can it change? Sure it can. One person at a time. You simply have to understand the truth, and want it bad enough.
All of our lives can be better. We can make them so. I know, it's hard. It's scary. To do nothing is just so much damn easier. There are countless excuses. Countless lies. The key is to fight through the mundane and truly embrace the sacred.
Be afraid, we all are. Just don't let it stop you. Don't let it keep you from what you want, what you need. Ignore the excuses. Abolish the lies. Make the effort.
Our greatest enemy has and always will lay within. It's that simple. We can blame others, make any excuse we want, point fingers, but in the end; we have made our choices.
Make the right ones. The right ones for you.
So......go out and live. Love. Be.
If you go out and find something better to do, something beautiful; and never come back here, my work is done. I won't take it personally. I'll applaud you. And you will be so much better off for the effort.
Alright friends, I've said my piece for now. I'm going to go enjoy the company of those I love.
I hope I have made my point, I tend to ramble. I warned you.
Stop reading, close the browser, turn off the computer, and live.
Tomorrow never comes......
Live for today.....
I hope I never see most of you again.
Take care, love and respect each other.

Eric Nickel

1 comment:

  1. Awesome post. Love it when people make blogs and just let their mind go. More people should do it.
